
Flue Gas Cleaning

2020-04-08T15:03:20+02:00November 19th, 2019|Technology|

Flue Gas Cleaning In order to clean hot flue gas generated by thermal treatment, incineration and gasification, the temperature of the flue gas must be reduced. Filcon’s engineering team can recommend different cooling solutions which operate by allowing the flue gas to pass through a heat exchanger system. This can be a wet solution

Industrial Air Filtration

2019-11-24T20:39:50+01:00November 19th, 2019|Technology|

Industrial Air Filtration A wide range of pressure-resistant round pulse jet filters In performing simple processes such as shredding tires, handling chemicals, woodchips, paper, etc. and/or when loading flour, seed, grain, corn, and other agricultural products., fine dust particles are generated. These particles must be removed from the air we breathe to avoid damaging

Emission Requirements and Quality

2020-04-27T14:16:59+02:00November 19th, 2019|Technology|

Emission Requirements and Quality All equipment and plants are designed to comply with the latest environmental legislation, i.e. the European emission limits according to EU/2000/76. Pressure resistant filters tested and certified by TÜV Germany (VDI2263) Explosion relief membrane (VDI3673) ATEX Directive       Each Industrial Filter module was pressure tested and certified by 

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